Due to its location on Budd Inlet, downtown Olympia will flood more often as sea levels rise. Draft sea level rise adaptation
strategies will be on display at an upcoming open house. City staff will be in attendance to answer questions.
Janine Gates
Olympia city staff will host an open house and community meeting
about sea level rise response planning for downtown Olympia.
The event will be September 19, 2018, 6:00 p.m. –
8:00 p.m., LOTT Clean Water Alliance, 500 Adams St NE, Olympia.
The City of Olympia, Port of Olympia, and LOTT Clean
Water Alliance are working together to develop a sea level rise response plan
to help protect downtown assets, services, and critical infrastructure.
The meeting will include presentations on the
planning effort and potential adaptation strategies. It will also
offer an opportunity for public feedback on draft adaptation strategies.
The city is planning for sea level rise of 24 inches, or two feet, by mid-century and 68 inches, or 5.7 feet, by the end of the century.
Other options include living with water, creating living shorelines, elevated structures, and allowing landscapes to flood.
Key areas of concern include the Budd Inlet Treatment Plant, the isthmus and Percival Landing, Capitol Lake and the Port of Olympia marine terminal area.
Throughout the month of September, the city is featuring informational displays on Percival Landing about sea level rise in downtown Olympia.
The city is planning for sea level rise of 24 inches, or two feet, by mid-century and 68 inches, or 5.7 feet, by the end of the century.
A variety of potential adaptation strategies have been identified, including permanent flood protection such as elevated paths, new sea walls, and higher existing sea walls.
Temporary flood protection includes sandbagging, sealed street grates, and flood gates.
Temporary flood protection includes sandbagging, sealed street grates, and flood gates.
Key areas of concern include the Budd Inlet Treatment Plant, the isthmus and Percival Landing, Capitol Lake and the Port of Olympia marine terminal area.
Above: Eric Christensen, City of Olympia Public Works, indicates the area where the city will protect downtown from sea level rise using a combination of strategies such as flood gates and raised walls and planter boxes.
Officials Meeting
To discuss sea level rise response planning, a joint
meeting of the LOTT Clean Water Alliance Board of Directors, Port of Olympia
Commission, and Olympia City Council will be held September 17, 5:30 p.m. – 7:00
p.m., LOTT Clean Water Alliance.
Community members are welcome to attend and observe.
Public comment at this meeting will be limited to written form.
more information about City of Olympia sea level rise planning and previous
community meetings, downtown flooding issues, high tides, combined sewer and storm
water systems, go to Little Hollywood, www.janineslittlehollywood.blogspot.com
and type key words into the search button.
more information from the City of Olympia about sea level rise response planning,
go to olympiawa.gov/sealevelrise or email searise@ci.olympia.wa.us